Friday, June 18, 2004

Trackers, Part One

When I was 13, all I wanted to be was a comic book artist. Truth be told, if I could, I would be a comic book artist today. Back then I actually did something about it. Armed with a #2 pencil and a pilot fine tip marker, I wrote and drew my own comic book, 19 pages in all. It was about a super hero team called the Trackers, who hunted supernatural villains and creatures. I had a story that would have filled 8-10 issues. Looking at it now, it is kinda cheesy, but I love it. In college I attempted to “redraw” this book with a friend. We did 4 pages before getting side tracked.

In the last few months I have attempted to learn Photoshop and began digitally coloring all the pages. So far I have 16 of 19 pages done. I really like the effect of the digital coloring, it almost looks like a book from the early 80's. When I am finished I hope to post them here, or maybe on another one-shot blog. Posted here is a sample, page 5 of the book. Sorry if it is hard to read. When I post the entire book, I will type out the words.

1 comment:

  1. And the best is yet to come. Just one more page to color and then I will publish the entire book. Look for an update on this site very soon.
